

"Talking to the truth, the truth. Talk with reason, with reason. Speak knowingly is by talking about all pre-set fees. Talking to disprove the story itself is patenting ethics autovalente. The reason impartial and fair desdemoniza satire and ignominy of arrogance masquerading as culture and good manners. Talking to the truth and the truth is realizing that the summit climb without oxygen is more painful to do with additional tanks. Callar and desolarse when, for the money you offend and it is better to remain silent demand respect never met. We are what we are, what we think rather than what we say. We are what we manipulate, and we are what we eat when we eat more honest without stealing food at the same neighbor. We are what we do and not what we preach. We are so harmful, Ladino, so cautious and unwise, as a caring and subtle front of the cameras, as opposed to pain sollozamos, compared with weak demand. We are that and nothing more than a bunch of cells distributed throughout the universe and space."


Únase al Diálogo Directo con Edgar Morin Mensaje Breve de Edgar Morin en Video

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